
Musings on informatics, language, music...

Converting video formats

Normally, it is quiet easy to convert video files to a different format. However, now and then you need some extra parameters.


Tags: linux, video, youtube-dl, ffmpeg

How to use target attribute in Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language which makes web page editing more flexible than html editing. However, this comes with a price: markdown does not support complex html structures. In some cases, post processing may help.


Tags: linux, markdown, target

Print word list more efficiently

If you want to print a long list of words, it is better to format the word list into columns, otherwise you will print out one column pages, thus wasting a lot of paper. The command pr can be a helpful tool.


Tags: linux, pr, expand, soffice, pdf

Comparing lists: comm

The Unix tool comm is an interesting tool to compare list files. You can show the lines common to both files, or the lines appearing only in one of the two selected files.


Tags: linux, comm